
Showing posts with the label Children's Books

"Savvy Sam's Search for Self" by Jamie Barrett

Peer pressure is something we all know about. We, as mommies and daddies, dealt with it when we were kids in school. Sometimes, unfortunately, we have to deal with it as grown-ups. People may not realize it, but sometimes they can be the ones using peer pressure on others. Children are taught to deal with peer pressure in school. When I was in elementary school, peer pressure was usually associated with underage drinking or smoking. It can go a lot farther than that, though. When kids are growing up, they try to make friends. That can be easier for some than for others. Children who have a hard time making friends might think there is something wrong with them. Maybe it's the way they look. The way they dress. They might feel like they're not good enough to make friends, and more people might like them if they changed. Sometimes change can be a good thing. If someone tries to be a better person, that is change and it's a good thing because they are trying to be a better fri...

"Ahab's Parables" by Alexander Arbour

"Ahab's Parables" Growing up, we learn about navigating our way through life. There are some times when we have help along the way, and there are some times when we must brave it on our own. There are lessons to be learned as we grow up. These lessons may not be easy ones, but they make life easier as we get older. Learning can take place in different ways and in different places. The most obvious place where children learn is in school. Here, they learn academic skills. Children learn to read, write, math skills. As they progress, they learn geography and foreign languages. They're also going to learn social skills. These skills will be learned in the schoolyard at recess or in the classroom during different scenarios. The Advantages of Reading Reading let's you spend time together. Reading to your child helps them learn to read. Reading can teach lessons that can be applied to everyday life. Children read in school. Some will love it, and some will find it to be...

The Go Go Singing Sound Book Series

photo: I have been reading to my children for years. It started simple, with a short book that had more illustrations than text. As my children got older, the books would become longer. The Boy has moved on to chapter books. We have read "Treasure Island" and are in the middle of "Robinson Crusoe" . As much as he likes it, he is looking forward to wrapping that up so we can move on the latest "Dog Man" installment. Reading to my children is something I've always enjoyed, first with The Oppressed and now with The Boy. The Boy and I don't always agree on what our next selection will be, but it's still nice for me to spend a little time with him at night before we go to bed and prep for the next day. As both of them grew up, I would try to get them to read a little to me. It was my own way of teaching them to read and get some practice for when they would be reading on their own. Go Go can Teach your Child Every parent has ...

"Sometimes, No Means I Love You" by Kessa Scott

"Sometimes, No Means I Love You" Parents deal with a lot of questions every day. The questions can be a simple one like, "Can I have a cookie?" and sometimes they can be a little more complex. If you're a parent, you know what level of ridiculous they can be.  Questions that can be answered with a "Yes" or a "No" are usually simple questions. It's the follow-up question, usually "Why?" that poses some problems. As our little cherubs get older, the questions and requests will be a little more involved. Children will get a little more independent (theoretically), and said requests will be for more than just a snack. They will probably want some type of cool clothes, something to put in their room, or a chance to go somewhere with their friends and stay out later than usual. This is where the experience and expertise as parents come in. While our children will present all of the reasons and logic why what they want is something goo...

"Happy to be Me" by Tom Doyle

Life can be tough. Any part of it. Work life, home life, school life. It's not always easy getting out of bed to face the day. When we're kids, we think about what it will be like to be grown up and do whatever we want. When we grow up, we think about being kids going to bed early and having someone else worry about what to cook for dinner. Maybe a chance for an occasional bowl of ice cream. Sometimes we will run into a person or people that will make our lives difficult. These bullies can be anywhere, at school or on the playground. Kids think that when they grow up everyone knows how to behave, including these people, and they will realize what they were doing and what they were thinking about people was wrong and they will be better people. "How wonderful the day will be. And how happy I am, so happy to be me." - Indigo Blue Unfortunately, that's not always how it works. No matter how nice we are to people, and how hard we try, there will be some people in the ...

"Puppy Tales: Hello, Baby" by Gigi O'Dea

Our family has had more adventures with our dog than we care to remember. Some memories involve a trip to the vet . Sometimes Puppy finds something she wasn't supposed to eat in the backyard or she'll help herself to some human food conveniently within her reach. Puppy spends most of her time with Lovie, who has told us the dog is her child. Puppy sleeps in her room. This is fine with Kitty, who tries to avoid puppy and her games of chase and wrestling. Puppy's abundant energy can be a lot for the family. Lucky for us, we have a fenced-in backyard that gives her room to run around. If time permits, I'll take her to a local dog park where she can expend more energy. If she's lucky, there will be other dogs in the park for her to play with. Caring for Pets and Children Shh! Baby's sleeping! There are other children Lovie takes care of. Some of these are actual human children. Our family helps take care of our extended family from time to time. This will include ba...

"Twinkle the Shooting Star" by Chioma Allen-Nwachukwu

"Twinkle the Shooting Star" Problems come, as a parent, and problems go. Sometimes a new problem arises as soon as you take care of one, and sometimes it comes when you're in the middle of solving one. Sometimes more than one problem will come at you. You may be able to solve all or both of the problems at the same time, if you're lucky. Problem Solving I have done my best to show my children, and any other child that's been at my house how to solve a problem. My children are at home when Wife and I are both at work, so we're not always able to help them. Sometimes, the children are left on their own and they need to rely on themselves to solve a problem. This can be challenging for some, traumatic for others. Meet Twinkle Lucky for everyone, our children can be resourceful sometimes. I was thinking of this when reading a book that was brought to my attention. Chioma Allen-Nwachukwu's "Twinkle the Shooting Star" tells the story of a girl named J...

"Are you a Bird like Me?" by Noel Foy and Nicholas Roberto

My family is its own cast of characters. If you ask my wife and children, I could very well be the biggest character here. Everyone here has their quirks and the different things that makes them tick. From my son's love for watermelons and asking for them every Christmas, to my youngest daughter's obsession with Rick Riordan and letting everyone know of the latest development in his writing whether it's asked for or not. And then there is my oldest daughter, who needs twenty support animals just to ger herself out of bed and isn't seen by anyone inside the house or out because we're all just prisoners of the matrix. Speaking of support animals, Wife and I are keeping the hard cap of two. Dealing with School The Boy and The Oppressed are in elementary school and middle school, respectively. They have made their own circle of friends. These children can be just as quirky as they are, and that's alright. What makes them tick can be entertaining, and I have no idea...

"Snoodles on the Loose" by Natasha Hanina

Parents across the nation, and even all over the world, struggle every day to get their children off screens and interact with other people. Some parents have an easier time of it than others, and it's easier to do it on some days than others. Lucas and Snoodles If you are a parent who struggles with redirecting your child from electronics day in and day out, writer Natasha Hanina has something you might want to try. Hanina is the co-creator of the "Tashi Non-Stop" web series, a transmedia program that features educational videos and fun storybooks for children. One of Hanina's latest offerings is an e-book called "Snoodles on the Loose" . The story follows a boy named Lucas and his imaginary friend named Snoodles, a creature who can change his shape and form depending on his whims and Lucas' imagination. One day, Lucas receives a gift, a new phone. He is excited to get this present and begins to play with it and explore the apps he can download onto i...