How I Master the Parent Teacher Conference

It's not always easy finding out what's happening at school. Thankfully, parents have help in obvious places when they want to know the real story of what's going on in Academia. Like other parents, it's my job to keep my little miracles of Christ alive, healthy, and happy. Well... alive and healthy, anyways. It's also my job to make sure things get done around the house. This can also be easier said than done, especially when it comes to the child receiving the instructions about doing things around the house. Part of my job in keeping the little cherubs alive and healthy is checking in on them after school. I like to know how their day was and what happened. Things every parent does to make sure things outside the home are going smoothly and there are no crises. Elementary school. One of the sites where we get to meet the teachers. Asking your kids what Happened at School Of course, there are no crises at our home. Everything is "great" and "good...