Watching my Children Perform on Stage

Getting ready to perform. When writing for newspapers, the biggest fringe benefit of the job was getting into the games for free. I love sports. I wasn't very good at playing them, but I enjoyed playing them, nonetheless. Watching the games and getting paid to watch them was a lot of fun for me. Watching Sports with and without my Kids I coached my own children for a few glorious years. Teaching them something I loved allowed me to do something with them, and I love doing thing with them. Reading, watching something on the television, anything. A few years ago, my youngest children decided that sports wasn't for them. I was a little upset that The Oppressed and The Boy didn't share my love for playing or watching sports, but these things happen. It was fun for me to watch them run up and down the field and get exercise while they worked on their motor skills and coordination. I also enjoyed watching how they communicated with their teammates on the field and the sidelines. ...