Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Him

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. No doubt you have seen ads everywhere for flowers, chocolate, candy. Scroll on your phone or jump on YouTube and there has been plenty of unsolicited advice about what she wants for Valentine's Day. But what about him? What would your husband, your boyfriend want on this day we celebrate the cupid? Spending Quality Time with Your Man I put this question to men wondering what they would like when it comes to celebrating February 14. Some of the answers had nothing to do with anything material. Some men would just like to spend some time with their significant other, like SP who likes the tradition of getting a heart-shaped pizza and a bottle of champagne to share with his wife, followed by bedtime and then something on the television. "Nothing crazy," he says, "But we like it." Another man, TP, also likes to have pizza with his lady. Theirs is a punk rock pizza party, followed by a little one-on-one time while their ...