Vacation Memories and New School Routines

September is past the halfway point. The children have returned to school, Wife is still killing it at work, and I continue to bring joy and happiness to the tourists and beer afficionados who want to know a little more about the beverage that brings me joy. After months of lazing about the house during the summer, my little Miracles of Christ have adjusted to the routine of getting up early and making the bus. It's 50-50 that The Oppressed might make the bus, but The Boy has no trouble making it out the door. He and his crew are taking advantage of the nice fall weather and riding their bikes to school every morning. The bus can wait until the winter. Right now, the big boys on campus are rolling into the schoolyard and beginning the day with fresh air and exercise. Boys Riding Bikes The Boy is always coming up with great ideas and looking for ways to improve his life. I don't know who came up with the idea to ride bikes to school, but it wouldn't surprise me if he had a h...