Post-Surgery Adventures and Mishaps (Varicose Veins)

A close-up of my post-surgery wardrobe. I woke up in recovery. The good people at the hospital made sure I was well taken care of when I recovered from the anesthesia. There was a large, bulky bandage on my leg. Wife was waiting for me outside. I got my discharge orders and prescription for painkillers. Eating after Surgery We stopped somewhere for lunch. It had been almost a whole day since I last ate something. We ate pho. It was nice to eat and have the surgery behind me. After lunch, I went home and took a nap. I woke from my nap and felt some pain in my leg. It felt like my bandages were wrapped too tight. Walking downstairs, I took my seat by the fire. The children were asking how I was feeling. I was feeling alright. My leg was in a little pain, but I was feeling well overall. A little reading. A little writing, and a little conversation with the children helped to take my mind off my tightly wound leg. The Boy answered questions as briefly as possible, as he had more important ...