A Busy Weekend with (and without) the Family

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. No rest for the wicked. Our family is constantly pulled into different directions at the same time. If we're lucky, we'll be pulled in one direction at the same time. Things are good when that happens. When it doesn't happen, we strap in and do the best we can. Friday Night Football Friday. The glorious beginning to the weekend. First, we need to survive the day before we can do that victory lap into the weekend. Surviving the day meant getting the car back into the shop for more repairs. I think we got a dud as far as cars are concerned, but that's another story for another day. "See some old friends, good for the soul." - Bob Seger High school friends and I have been planning a get-together for a while. We were finally able to pin down last Friday's football game for a mini-reunion at our Alma Mater, Bishop Fenwick High School . In the middle of trading messages and coordinating everything, I found out ...