Stay at Home Dad Returning to Work

It's been a busy spring and summer for me, so busy that I have been torn away from some of my duties including chronicling my adventures on the home front. But I haven't exactly been at home as much lately. No, I got a new job. It's a job that has required me to do some reading and some memorizing. New jobs mean employee manuals. It means figuring the ins and outs of where you are, what you're doing, and who you're working with. There's plenty of things for me to figure out. I've been there for almost six months, and I'm still learning. What is this Job? My new job So, what exactly is this new job I have? Well, it's one that allows me to combine my numerous gifts and talents. I get to work with something I love, and I connect with throngs of people at a time. I'm a Brewery Ambassador for Samuel Adams beer! Loyal readers know how much I enjoy a beer from time to time, and my razor-sharp wit coupled with eloquent speaking skills make this the perf...