Stay at Home Dad Returning to Work

It's been a busy spring and summer for me, so busy that I have been torn away from some of my duties including chronicling my adventures on the home front. But I haven't exactly been at home as much lately. No, I got a new job. It's a job that has required me to do some reading and some memorizing. New jobs mean employee manuals. It means figuring the ins and outs of where you are, what you're doing, and who you're working with. There's plenty of things for me to figure out. I've been there for almost six months, and I'm still learning.

What is this Job?

My new job
So, what exactly is this new job I have? Well, it's one that allows me to combine my numerous gifts and talents. I get to work with something I love, and I connect with throngs of people at a time. I'm a Brewery Ambassador for Samuel Adams beer! Loyal readers know how much I enjoy a beer from time to time, and my razor-sharp wit coupled with eloquent speaking skills make this the perfect job for yours truly.

Samuel Adams hired me last March. My family was happy for me when they heard the news. They knew I was hoping to go back to work beyond my freelancing projects. I jumped in with both feet when I got the call and immediately went to work learning more about my role and memorizing the facts and snippets about the company. I was eager and determined to learn as much as I could as soon as I could.

Learning about the Job

Required reading for the job

Six months in, and I'm still learning. Every tour is different. People have different questions on every tour, and I do my best to answer them all. Sometimes I can't, and I refer the question to my partner on tour with me. Sometimes I just shrug and tell them, "I don't know." This isn't my favorite option, but it's best for me to be honest than just make something up, and then be wrong and they realize I didn't know it in the first place.

I'm a Brewery Ambassador for Samuel Adams Beer!

When I get a question I don't know, I try to get the answer, then I have it in case I'm asked again. I also learned something else about beer, which I can put to use in the future.

My family is excited for me. The Boy has lots of questions for me. He wants to know if I get to pour beers when I'm at work. I tell him I pour lots of beers at work. He wants to know when he can work with me so he can pour beers. He has lots of experience and practice, and he wants to show people at the brewery what he can do with that practice.

Essential learning

Adjusting after SAHD Life

Taking my work home with me

There has been a lot of adjusting for everyone in the house. Now there are two parents working. My job means I'm not around to check on the kids after school. I'm not cooking meals every night, but there are two older children around, so everyone manages. Sometimes I'm home in time to check in on children and ask how the day went. Unfortunately, there are nights when I get home after they fall asleep, and I have to wait until the next morning to talk to them.

I haven't been around lately since I went back to work. Learning the duties and responsibilities has taken me away from my keyboard. Because of this, I haven't been able to regale my loyal readers with the tales of adventure and parenthood. Those fantastic stories have been shared with the tour visitors. Now that I seem to have some footing with my work at the Boston Brewery, I am able to dust off the treasure trove of parental exploits and help out fellow writers who submit their work for a little polish and tidying up.

Years ago, I was adjusting to my life at home with children. I was the primary caregiver, and I was in charge of meals and making sure things didn't get too far beyond salvage and repair. Now that I am back to the workforce, I am adjusting again. Not only do I make sure the kids are out of the house and have everything they need for school, but I also have to make sure I am out of the house in time for work and I need to make sure I have everything I need. My kids have their bag and books with them. I bring my books with me to work so I can study and learn. I scribble notes, even brush up on my Spanish so I can communicate with guests and employees alike.

There is a balance between work and home. I'm still trying to get that, as I am still doing shopping and meal prep. That's been helped by a relative who has been staying with us from time to time. The work is fun for me, and I enjoy it. Plus, I think the Boston Beer Company owes me some money after so many years as a loyal customer.


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