Christmas Then, and Christmas Now

There are three short weeks until Christmas. In that amount of time, like millions of other families, my family needs to get out Christmas cards, shop for various get-togethers, figure out the kids' Christmas lists, and send packages to family who live far away. Children Waiting for Santa Claus Things get different as you get older. As a little child, going to bed was the easy part. It was falling asleep that was hard. You wanted to fall asleep so it would be Christmas Morning faster, but you were too excited to fall asleep. My brother and I would give each other that uneasy look when one of us had to use the bathroom. Should we chance it? We did, and then ran back into our room and under the covers. Eyes closed like we had been in bed the whole time. My sister's bedroom was downstairs. She would sleep upstairs with us on Christmas Eve to be safe. You can't be too careful when Santa Claus is visiting. My brother and I had bedrooms downstairs when we were older, and we fell ...