My Favorite Christmas Stories

You know I like to read if you are a frequent visitor here. Sometimes I like to share what I am reading on another site . If I'm not reading during the day, I'm reading at night, usually to The Boy . Books are a part of my family's life, and everyone is reading something. Christmas time means switching gears for me. As part of getting into the season, I like to read Christmas-themed stories. Some of these stories are very well known, and others are hidden gems that I have discovered over past Christmases. Some were assigned reading in school just before Christmas Break, some are stories I've read in my leisure time whilst sitting by the fire with a cup of cheer. Some of these stories have introduced me to things that I have included in my own celebrations. For instance, reading Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" introduced me to Smoking Bishop . It's a drink I enjoy making every year. Check out the recipe and try making yourself a bowl. It's warm and del...