Solving Math Problems for Homework

Sometimes my children need help with their homework. Unfortunately, it's never with American History or literature. No, my children need help with math. Math isn't too difficult for me as long as there are no letters involved. Lucky for my children and me, we haven't reached that stage yet. One of my children has entered the wonderful world of integers. It's something I haven't had to worry about since 1990. Lucky for me, the idea of integers hasn't changed much in the past 30 years, but that doesn't make it any easier for either of us. My child needs to add a negative in their equations. I find this to be foolish. Why not just subtract a number instead of adding a negative number. When is my child actually going to face a situation where they are told to add a negative? Is this what people are doing now? Instead of subtracting we're, "adding negatives"? So, why are we going ahead and "adding negatives"? I honestly don't know the ...