Catching up with a High School Friend

I was minding my own business when I got a text from a friend I hadn't seen in 20 years. Chris told me he was in town for a few days, and he thought it would be a great idea if we were able to meet up for a beer or two. Great minds thinking alike, I naturally agreed with him. The New Kid in Class I met Chris one day in religion class at my alma mater, Bishop Fenwick High School . He was "the new kid". I don't know how he ended up being transferred to my class. It was winter, months into the school year, but here he was. I still remember that day. I got to class and sat down. I exchanged greetings with someone who sat near me. That was when I noticed him sitting in the back of the room. The guy I asked shrugged his shoulders, and we agreed he was probably someone who was making up a test in another class. My teacher, Ms. Bertrand, came into the class. She saw Chris and was surprised. "Oh," Ms. Bertrand said. "You're here today." "Yes,"...