"Puppy Tales: Hello, Baby" by Gigi O'Dea

Our family has had more adventures with our dog than we care to remember. Some memories involve a trip to the vet . Sometimes Puppy finds something she wasn't supposed to eat in the backyard or she'll help herself to some human food conveniently within her reach. Puppy spends most of her time with Lovie, who has told us the dog is her child. Puppy sleeps in her room. This is fine with Kitty, who tries to avoid puppy and her games of chase and wrestling. Puppy's abundant energy can be a lot for the family. Lucky for us, we have a fenced-in backyard that gives her room to run around. If time permits, I'll take her to a local dog park where she can expend more energy. If she's lucky, there will be other dogs in the park for her to play with. Caring for Pets and Children Shh! Baby's sleeping! There are other children Lovie takes care of. Some of these are actual human children. Our family helps take care of our extended family from time to time. This will include ba...