"Snoodles on the Loose" by Natasha Hanina

Parents across the nation, and even all over the world, struggle every day to get their children off screens and interact with other people. Some parents have an easier time of it than others, and it's easier to do it on some days than others. Lucas and Snoodles If you are a parent who struggles with redirecting your child from electronics day in and day out, writer Natasha Hanina has something you might want to try. Hanina is the co-creator of the "Tashi Non-Stop" web series, a transmedia program that features educational videos and fun storybooks for children. One of Hanina's latest offerings is an e-book called "Snoodles on the Loose" . The story follows a boy named Lucas and his imaginary friend named Snoodles, a creature who can change his shape and form depending on his whims and Lucas' imagination. One day, Lucas receives a gift, a new phone. He is excited to get this present and begins to play with it and explore the apps he can download onto i...