A Busy Weekend with (and without) the Family

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. No rest for the wicked. Our family is constantly pulled into different directions at the same time. If we're lucky, we'll be pulled in one direction at the same time. Things are good when that happens. When it doesn't happen, we strap in and do the best we can.

Friday Night Football

Friday. The glorious beginning to the weekend. First, we need to survive the day before we can do that victory lap into the weekend. Surviving the day meant getting the car back into the shop for more repairs. I think we got a dud as far as cars are concerned, but that's another story for another day.

"See some old friends, good for the soul." - Bob Seger

High school friends and I have been planning a get-together for a while. We were finally able to pin down last Friday's football game for a mini-reunion at our Alma Mater, Bishop Fenwick High School. In the middle of trading messages and coordinating everything, I found out one of my friends is actually in and out of my town on family business. We haven't seen each other in over 20 years and talked about getting together the next time he's around. Back to the football game, I caught up with one of my friends, who brought her oldest child (AKA: "Thing #1") to the game. I noticed Thing #1 was wearing a Harry Potter shirt. This led us to talk about my Hagrid beard and The Oppressed and her obsession for all things Harry Potter.

Bishop Fenwick against Archbishop Williams

We were fortunate on different levels that night. Not only did we see a great game watching Fenwick defeat Archbishop Williams, but we also ran into other people we went to school with; People who had no idea we were going to the game. We did some catching up, and it was great to see people were doing well in the 30 years since we were in high school together. A lot had changed on the campus as things tend to do over time. One thing that didn't change in town was the location of a liquor store where I was able to procure a bottle of something delicious and local.


Apples and goodies from
our day at the orchard
I got home late Friday and rested up. Saturday was looking to be another busy, but fun, day. Slugger had to work. The rest of us were going to the orchard to do some apple picking, always a favorite activity for us New Englanders. We filled our bags with apples and baked goodies, including candied apples. We walked around the orchard lugging bags of apples, treats and jugs of cider. Calories were certainly burned off as we headed back to the car. After stopping for dinner, we drove home. The family unpacked our spoils of activity while I drove to pick up Slugger. He told me about work. I told him about our day at the orchard. There was a candied apple waiting for him when he got home.


Our country hadn't been founded yet. She could tell people each coin was worth $100 and the merchants wouldn't know any better. She wasn't impressed.

Sunday morning was a chance for us to sleep in a little. I went to church. The Oppressed was going to King Richard's Faire with a friend. This meant dressing up in her Renaissance-style dress. After giving God his glory and saying hello to friends and neighbors after Mass, I went home.

The Oppressed needed money for the day. I reached into my pocket and gave her two dollar coins. I explained our country hadn't been founded yet for the period she was visiting. She could tell people each coin was worth $100 and the merchants wouldn't know any better. She rolled her eyes. She wasn't impressed.

It's really $200. My daughter disagreed.

While our daughter was off to the faire, Wife was on babysitting duty. Her cousin had to go to the emergency room and asked if her child could stay with us. Normally, this is a time when The Oppressed gets excited. She helps take care of the child and says it's "her child". This time, though, King Richard's Faire was calling. Playing "Mother" would have to wait another day.

There was plenty to do around the house, as usual. Wife did what she could with a clingy toddler who was deathly afraid of our dog. Kitty was outside or napping, so she wasn't able to protect the toddler the way she normally protects our family. She's a fierce home protector. And while all of this was going on, Lovie had the dog. She ordered a Halloween costume for Doggie and wanted her to try it on. She proudly presented the pet and her get-up for all to see.

We did some work around the house. Tidied up some things, and threw out some others. Wife and I found time to take a nap. Cousin returned to pick up the toddler. The Oppressed came home with a proclamation after winning a game. She shared stories of her day with her friends. Our children hit the showers. Wife and I collapsed into bed after another exciting weekend. We rested up as much as we could. Monday morning was coming fast.

A dog and her costume.

My audiobook, "A Collection of Short Stories" is available on Amazon Audible.


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