Post-Surgery Adventures and Mishaps (Varicose Veins)

A close-up of my
post-surgery wardrobe.
I woke up in recovery. The good people at the hospital made sure I was well taken care of when I recovered from the anesthesia. There was a large, bulky bandage on my leg. Wife was waiting for me outside. I got my discharge orders and prescription for painkillers.

Eating after Surgery

We stopped somewhere for lunch. It had been almost a whole day since I last ate something. We ate pho. It was nice to eat and have the surgery behind me. After lunch, I went home and took a nap. I woke from my nap and felt some pain in my leg. It felt like my bandages were wrapped too tight.

Walking downstairs, I took my seat by the fire. The children were asking how I was feeling. I was feeling alright. My leg was in a little pain, but I was feeling well overall. A little reading. A little writing, and a little conversation with the children helped to take my mind off my tightly wound leg. The Boy answered questions as briefly as possible, as he had more important things to do with his friends.

Recovering at Home after Surgery

The package was heavier than the maximum I was allowed to carry. Shucks.

It was a relatively quiet evening. Wife made sure I was alright and had everything I needed. I was fine and I did have everything I needed. I drifted off to sleep. My alarm went off in the morning. I still needed to get the cherubs up to make sure they made the bus. When that obligation was fulfilled, I went back to bed and returned to Dreamland.

It was me and Lovie together all day. She was thrilled.

Wife asked if she could go to work. I told her I would be fine, and she could go. It was me and Lovie together all day. She was thrilled. The day was a delicate balance of resting and limited mobility. I traded emails with people and caught up on work. It was nice to not have to worry about chores for a day. A package was delivered, but I couldn't move it. It was heavier than the maximum I was allowed to move/carry. Shucks.

Checking my Bandages

That evening, I decided to do a routine check on my leg. I checked around the knee area and felt something damp. I went to the bathroom to investigate further, only to find a large, damp red spot seeping through my bandages. This isn't supposed to happen.

I called the doctor's office. It was closed for the night. I left a message asking to have someone call me back ASAP. They said someone would call back within ten minutes. Twenty minutes later, I called again to leave another message. Wife was still at work. I finally made the decision to go to the hospital and have someone look at whatever was happening to my leg. I informed Wife of what was happening and where I was going. She let me know she would meet me at the hospital. With ten minutes until I arrive, my phone rings. It's the good doctor. I let him know I'm close. He tells me to go straight to his office.

Leg bandaged. Leg up
resting. Doctor's orders.

Wife has questions, Kids have Cards

Wife and I are in a room waiting for him. She is asking me questions about what I did all day, making sure I was taking it easy and didn't over-exert myself. The good doctor arrives in scrubs. This is never a good sign, and I'm worried he needs to operate again. The good doctor asks me some questions, unwraps my bandages, and takes a look. The bleeding has stopped, and the leg looks fine. He is happy with what he sees and wraps me up in a new bandage. Thankfully, this one isn't as bulky and it's easier to move around in this wrap.

I get a reminder of the recovery orders, and Wife and I return to our cars for the ride home. There are some care packages waiting for us. They have been sent by friends and family. Two families have sent meals. This will come in handy when I can’t or don’t feel like cooking.

Get-well wishes and
gags from the children

The children ask questions about this latest visit. I answer all of the questions and retreat upstairs. There is a homemade card made by the children on my bed. I resume my rest and convalescence, hoping someday things here won't be so exciting.

Follow me on Threads. @greg_the_brave


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