Watching my Children Perform on Stage

Getting ready to perform.

When writing for newspapers, the biggest fringe benefit of the job was getting into the games for free. I love sports. I wasn't very good at playing them, but I enjoyed playing them, nonetheless. Watching the games and getting paid to watch them was a lot of fun for me.

Watching Sports with and without my Kids

I coached my own children for a few glorious years. Teaching them something I loved allowed me to do something with them, and I love doing thing with them. Reading, watching something on the television, anything.

A few years ago, my youngest children decided that sports wasn't for them. I was a little upset that The Oppressed and The Boy didn't share my love for playing or watching sports, but these things happen. It was fun for me to watch them run up and down the field and get exercise while they worked on their motor skills and coordination. I also enjoyed watching how they communicated with their teammates on the field and the sidelines. I'm guessing every conversation wasn't game related, but it was still nice to see how they interacted with their teammates.

Books and Reading with the Children

The Oppressed and The Boy have found other interests to fill their time when they're not going through the academic rigors. The Oppressed has discovered a love for reading and keeps Wife and I updated on her ever-growing collection of books as well as the developments of the stories and characters. An added bonus for The Oppressed is having on of her favorite book series, Percy Jackson, made into a television series. She is always excited to inform the entire family of when there is a new streaming episode for her to download.

My son enjoys books to an extent. He does like them, but he likes it when I read to him. I have tried to get him to read to me. I would like to have a break from time to time and be read to. Plus, I think it would be good to have him get a little extra practice reading. Quality time together and The Boy improves his academic skills. Wife didn't raise no dummy. Alas, The Boy is not interested in this arrangement, and he is content to have me read to him every night. That's alright with me. It's still something that gives us some time together.

On stage delivering a number.

 Even though my children don't like sports, they have found other hobbies that they enjoy. They both play in their respective school band, and The Oppressed is interested in theatre. Both aspects of performing arts have opened a new avenue of entertainment for Wife and me. Whenever we have the pleasure of watching our children perform, I like to say we're going to the theatre. Going to the theatre, of course, requires a certain level of decorum and dress; a level of decorum I certainly don't mind upholding. As a stay-at-home parent, I don't get out much, so it's nice to have an excuse to clean up and dress up once in a while. My wife and children sometimes think the dressing-up part can be a little over the top. Then again, I don't think people in my family really appreciate fashion like me.

A Family Tradition of Performing

Wife and I dabbled in theatre before we met. She worked offstage and I was onstage. I studied theatre for a couple of years in college and even had the honor of serving as the Vice President of my high school's drama club. I like to remind The Oppressed of these things when she is going through rehearsals. She is continuing the tradition of patronizing the arts through her appreciation and participation. Wife and I get to watch an occasional performance that features our daughter.

Drama Club Executive Board, senior year

It's great to see our children on stage doing something they like to do. It's also nice to see them grow and improve. They played recorders early in elementary school. They have moved on to playing brass instruments, and watching how they improve as the year goes on is also nice to see. Wife and I like to see a show once in a while. I like having the chance to watch my children perform. It's like the whole family gets a night out. We get to see a show and we're not driving to the big city or paying outrageous prices for tickets. The money we spend stays in our community, helping our schools and allowing the band or theatre troupe to raise money so they will be able to put on more productions. It's nice to go to a show, and it's nice to be able to support the local arts.


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