"Happy to be Me" by Tom Doyle

Life can be tough. Any part of it. Work life, home life, school life. It's not always easy getting out of bed to face the day.

When we're kids, we think about what it will be like to be grown up and do whatever we want. When we grow up, we think about being kids going to bed early and having someone else worry about what to cook for dinner. Maybe a chance for an occasional bowl of ice cream.

Sometimes we will run into a person or people that will make our lives difficult. These bullies can be anywhere, at school or on the playground. Kids think that when they grow up everyone knows how to behave, including these people, and they will realize what they were doing and what they were thinking about people was wrong and they will be better people.

"How wonderful the day will be.
And how happy I am, so happy to be me." - Indigo Blue

Unfortunately, that's not always how it works. No matter how nice we are to people, and how hard we try, there will be some people in the world who won't get it, and they won't change how they act or behave.

Indigo Blue: Happy to be Me

Happy to be me: An Indigo Blue Adventure

Tom Doyle, in his own words, "strives to empower young minds to embrace their uniqueness and become the best versions of themselves." Tom has collaborated with illustrator Polina Povshedna to tell the story of Indigo Blue, a girl who looks forward to every day and lives her best life. Indigo is always ready to put her best foot forward, and that can be whatever foot she chooses. Why? Because Indigo is comfortable in her own skin and is happy to jump out of bed and face the day. Indigo has a little of everything we would like to see in our own children. Most of all, she is confident and secure in who she is. A lot of children don't feel this way, and that can hold them back.

Mind you, that's not to say everyone is able to see that in our story's little heroine. She knows there are people who like to point at her and laugh, but Indigo is okay with that. Indigo doesn't need anyone's approval or permission to be happy with who she is. She is confident enough to be who she is.

Indigo knows that there will be bad days, and she's okay with that. Everyone has bad days, even mommies and daddies. What matters is that we are able to roll with the punches and deal with whatever is life throws at us.

Life isn't Always Easy

Life can be difficult enough trying to make it through the day with as little trouble and difficulty as possible. It can be more difficult when we are helping our little ones navigate through their day, too. We always try to have things just roll off our back, but sometimes, with our workload and the people counting on us, it's not always an easy thing to do.

We are always trying to teach our children. Sometimes it's alright to let our children teach us a thing or two. Children seem to be able to be happier sometimes. Maybe it's because they are oblivious to the things that make them less happy. This is what Inidigo does, and her life seems to be a little easier because of it. No one is saying there aren't any obstacles or difficulties in life. People like Indigo are just saying things don't have to be as difficult as they seem.

My family is lucky. Our children are, for the most part, comfortable being who they are. We know peer pressure exists and it's not always easy to resist it. We also know that if there is a problem, our children will come to us and talk about it. I always make a point to talk to my kids in the afternoon and ask how school was. Like you, school was, "great," and "nothing happened." By asking about their day, I hope to let them know that they have an opening, and they can talk to me or Wife about anything and we will be there to help them.

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