"Savvy Sam's Search for Self" by Jamie Barrett

Peer pressure is something we all know about. We, as mommies and daddies, dealt with it when we were kids in school. Sometimes, unfortunately, we have to deal with it as grown-ups. People may not realize it, but sometimes they can be the ones using peer pressure on others.

Children are taught to deal with peer pressure in school. When I was in elementary school, peer pressure was usually associated with underage drinking or smoking. It can go a lot farther than that, though. When kids are growing up, they try to make friends. That can be easier for some than for others. Children who have a hard time making friends might think there is something wrong with them. Maybe it's the way they look. The way they dress. They might feel like they're not good enough to make friends, and more people might like them if they changed.

Sometimes change can be a good thing. If someone tries to be a better person, that is change and it's a good thing because they are trying to be a better friend and treat people nicer, but sometimes changing who you are isn't a good thing and it's something a child should avoid.

Savvy Sam

If you haven't met Savvy Sam, allow me to introduce you. Savvy Sam is the creation of Jamie Barrett, a registered play therapist out of St. Petersburg.

"Savvy Sam's Search for Self"

Savvy Sam is a boy who is trying to find his way in the world. We all did it when we were growing up, and our children are doing it now. As parents, we try to help our children as much as we can. We can't do it when they leave the house for school or to play with their friends. Hopefully, they take what we have taught them and use it to help themselves or to help others.

Every child wants friends. No one wants to be lonely. Sometimes, our kids are forced with a difficult decision. They go with the crowd and do something with their "friends", or they stand alone because something doesn't seem right to them. As the old saying goes: What's right isn't always popular, what's popular isn't always right.

Hopefully, children take what we have taught them and use it to help themselves or others.

Sam has something every child wishes they could have. He has someone he can talk to when he isn't sure about something. His counsel comes in the form of a sassafras tree, who tells him to get rid of his doubts about himself. Sam sees other children around him. They are talented, fast, smart, artistic. It makes Sam wonder if he is good enough.

Everyone Experiences Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is something we all deal with at some time. Adults have ways of handling it, but it's not so easy for our kids. Self-doubt usually comes from seeing someone use a talent we don't have. An obvious reaction to that is jealousy, but in addition to that jealousy is asking ourselves why we can't so what we just saw.

"... You are not your mind, my friend." - Sassafras Tree

Sam is dealing with that self-doubt as he sees his friends and playmates. They are using their athletic, artistic, and intellectual skills. Our friend is in awe of what they are doing. Why he can't do those things. If he does those things, why can't he do it as well as the people he notices.

"It's a disease you see in all," the sassafras tree tells him. It's something that all people, even daddies and mommies have to deal with. There are people who will judge others for whatever reasons they have. Every neighborhood has a Sam that just wants to live his life and be the best person he can be. Some days are better than others, and some people make that more difficult than others.

Not every child has a sassafras tree they can talk to. That's where we, as parents, come in. Talk to your kids when they are experiencing doubt and frustration. There may be a hidden talent your child has. They just need some help to discover it.

There's Plenty of Fun Out there

There are plenty of things kids can do to practice and hone their skills. They can play sports, ride a bike, or hang out with friends outside of school. There's writing, there's art. Screen time can be fun, but children and their parents should make sure that's in moderation.

Getting out and doing things can be healthy for a child. It can help their physical health and their mental health. Going out and playing with friends can also help. Exercise will make a child feel better about themself.

It's also important to make sure your child is playing fair. No one wants to be judged. I don't want my children to be judged, and I make sure my children treat their peers with the same type of respect they want to be treated with. Our children may not have a sassafras tree, but they do have us.

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