"Twinkle the Shooting Star" by Chioma Allen-Nwachukwu

"Twinkle the Shooting Star"

Problems come, as a parent, and problems go. Sometimes a new problem arises as soon as you take care of one, and sometimes it comes when you're in the middle of solving one. Sometimes more than one problem will come at you. You may be able to solve all or both of the problems at the same time, if you're lucky.

Problem Solving

I have done my best to show my children, and any other child that's been at my house how to solve a problem. My children are at home when Wife and I are both at work, so we're not always able to help them. Sometimes, the children are left on their own and they need to rely on themselves to solve a problem. This can be challenging for some, traumatic for others.

Meet Twinkle

Lucky for everyone, our children can be resourceful sometimes. I was thinking of this when reading a book that was brought to my attention. Chioma Allen-Nwachukwu's "Twinkle the Shooting Star" tells the story of a girl named Judy, who has her nocturnal slumber interrupted by a falling star, named Twinkle, who crashes to Earth. Like most kids, Judy's first thought is to go to her parents to tell them something has happened outside. Unfortunately for our heroine, her parents don't wake up and she must help her new friend on her own.

Judy meets Twinkle.
Twinkle has a boo-boo.
When Judy finds Twinkle, she sees her laying on the ground

with an injury. Judy goes right to work bringing Twinkle into the house and administering to the damage from Twinkle's crash landing. Judy does her very best to fix a problem that has occurred in the middle of the night when a child should be fast asleep. This leaves another problem: Twinkle wants to go back to her family. Judy wants to help, and together they try to think up a way for Twinkle to go back home to her family.

Judy has some ideas, but Twinkle isn't so sure they will work. Some ideas are rather ambitious for two youngsters. The ideas are good but require a little more expertise than what Judy and Twinkle possess. Of course, the easiest solution would be to fly into the sky and reunite Twinkle and her family, but how are they going to get a rocket ship? They could make one, but does either of them know how to fly?

Working hard on a rocket ship. 
Will they be able to fly it?

Getting Twinkle Home

The two are able to work together. They do it all by themselves. Seeing how it's the middle of the night, they didn't have any other options. Were your parents ever happy when you woke them up? Were you ever happy when your kids woke you up?

Judy took time out of her night to help someone. It had certainly been a long day for her, and she wanted (and needed) to go to bed so she could be rested for the day ahead. Instead of getting sleep, she helped a new friend find their way home. Judy did something she and her family will certainly appreciate for a long time. "Twinkle the Shooting Star" is a story for children who want something to read at bedtime. It is a book parents will appreciate because it teaches a lesson in helping others and what happens when two or more people work together to find the solution to a problem.


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