"Homeopathy Primer" by Abby Beale

People get sick. Children, daddies, mommies. It doesn't matter who you are or where you are, illnesses tend to find you. If you're lucky, it's something you can handle while you're going about your business and just sip some tea or pop a lozenge. Sometimes it's worse than that and you need some rest. Either way, getting sick is an unfortunate but inevitable fact of life.

Illness has made its presence felt in my home as Wife and children have been hit with a malady. People have been up at all hours of the night needing medicine or tissues to see themselves through the latest round of sickness and discomfort here. Happening on Christmas put a dent in our plans. We were going to visit family and stay overnight, but the condition of some of our children plus not wanting to infect other guests who were vulnerable and susceptible to germs made us rethink those plans.

One of our patients.

New Plans for the Day

After exchanging presents on Christmas morning, healthy members of the family got in the car and drove to my in-laws for a brief celebration. There was a lovely meal prepared, and we sat down to feasting and drinking. I was able to see my brother-in-law, his wife, and my nephews. It had been a while since I could do that, so it was nice to be able to see them.

Days after Christmas, there are still people who are trying to feel better. Some people are doing better than others. I am trying to do what I can administering remedy and relief to people who are laid up and need sustenance and nutrients to make it through their ailments.

No one wants to be sick. If you are feeling sick, you want to feel better as soon as possible. I am a firm believer in rest, tea, and hot baths. Taking it easy isn't always easy, especially in this house, but sometimes you have to find the time to relax a little and give your body time to recover.

Meet Abby and her Book

If you want to look into some of the more natural ways to treat illnesses and injuries, you might be
interested in a book called "Homeopathy Primer" written by Abby Beale. Abby is a homeopath based in western Massachusetts. When her son was 9 months old, he was suffering from constant ear infections. Abby was at her wits end with what to do and turned to homeopathic medicine in hopes of helping her son. The treatments were successful, and the ear infections stopped. For the past 25 years, she has used her know-how to help patients and parents of patients.

Abby's book features comprehensive descriptions and explanations of homeopathic remedies and solutions. It talks about the causes of illnesses and injuries and how homeopathy can be used to administer to these aches and illnesses. While the book explores in-depth preparations and processes, it also mentions at numerous times throughout the book that there are instances where an exercise or cure should be left to a professional and when a trip to a hospital or your primary care provider would be best.

Other Information in the Book

Also included in the book are definition of terms and a directory of stores to find homeopathic supplies and remedies. There are also a number of resources to help you start or continue your journey in homeopathic medicine. "Homeopathy Primer" offers treatments for illnesses at all kinds of severities and shows how to treat the patient depending on how long they have had the illness and how bad it is as well as how old they are and how to best make the necessary antidote.

Parenting is tough. It's tougher when you're the one who's sick. Daddies and mommies don't always get to take a day off no matter how ill they are feeling. If you're looking for a way to treat the little patients in your home, or if the idea of a natural remedy appeals to you, that "Homeopathy Primer" might be just the thing for your library.


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