"I Forgive you for your Diaper" By A Parent

My youngest child is in the fifth grade, so the days of diapers, wipes, and smells of toxic waste are far behind me and Wife. I don't miss those days. Regular Target runs for diapers and wipes are safely in my rearview mirror.

Parents remember milestones and old routines. Some memories are looked back upon fondly, and others are remembered but not exactly missed. Back when my Miracles of Christ couldn't move on their own, any time to leave the house included diaper bags, making sure it was properly stocked, and also remembering bottles and making sure the carrier was properly installed in the car. An entire list of things necessary for our child to make sure they (and we) could make it through the activity we were preparing for.

Times changed, and that meant we weren't doing as much changing as before. Our children moved on to training pants. Wife and I bought a training potty. Sometimes our children made it to the potty, and sometimes we had to change them. It was a challenge for everyone.

Yours truly was reminded of these days of poop and pee by A. Parent, who wrote "I Forgive you for your Diaper". This children's book tells of the days and nights spent by mommies and daddies who deal with their share of poop and pee and having to clean their little bundles of joy when nature calls.

"I Forgive" highlights the struggles parents go through when it's time to change their baby's diaper. Although I sometimes change an occasional diaper when someone asks me to watch their baby, Wife and I are pretty much removed from the constant routines of diapers, wipes, and rash cream. We don't miss those days. If you are a diaper-changing parent, I want you to know your days of holding your breath and hoping you can secure the diaper before your little angel starts to pee are certainly numbered. It's a great feeling when your child is finally potty trained, and you don't need to stop everything to answer the call of nature.

"It happened all hours of day or night,
even Christmas Morning.
In the car, stroller, bath, my arms,
the only constant was no warning."

This book talks about all of the things a parent thinks about when it comes to diapers. How does a little one cause such a big, literal stink? Will the baby wipes be enough to clean the mess and neutralize the odor?

And then there is the diaper pail. There were times I didn't feel like changing it and figured maybe I could squeeze one more diaper into it before it needed changing. I felt like I had done enough changing at the time and gave myself a break before another change.

My parents told me no kids smells as bad as yours. I suppose this is true. I could smell my child from across the room when it was time for a new diaper. I remember the times they needed rash cream, and I was careful to apply the cream and not irritate the skin and hurt them anymore. Sometimes, when the rash went away, I would apply a little during a diaper change to make sure it stayed away. This book assures parents everywhere that it is normal for a little baby to stink. You just need wipes, diapers, and love.

"Stomach turning, my eyes burning,
I'd wonder how something so small and cute
could force me to put on a hazmat suit."

Click here to purchase your copy of "I forgive you for your Diaper".


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