A Basketball Game and a Journey Concert

Last week was Winter Vacation for the children. It was certainly a busy week for me and the family. For some, the week was busier than others. Wife still had to work, although she was able to take a day off here and there to do things with the family. Lovie went to work. The Boy had his neighborhood obligations with his crew. As for me, I got to sleep in since there were no school buses to worry about making. It was nice to be able to relax and not worry about children (with their own devices and alarm clocks) getting up and out of the house on time to make the school bus.

A High School Basketball Game

My week began with a basketball game. I had been trying to get out and see the local high school play for a while. The regular season was winding down, so it was nice to be able to finally get out and make a game. As always, I extended the invite to the children in case anyone wanted to go with me. No one did, not even slugger, who loves basketball. If Steph Curry was playing, he probably would have changed his mind. I guess high school basketball isn't good enough for a high school student.

With my ticket purchased, I sought out a concession stand to get some popcorn and a drink. I was disheartened to see there was no concession stand. It's hard for me to support the kids if there's no concession stand. I looked for a suggestion box t air my grievances. There was none. It's hard for me to — Well, you get the idea.

I found a seat and waited for the opening tip. Players on both sides warmed up and returned to their respective benches for the pre-game introductions. After the formalities were taken care of, it was time for basketball. It was a good game, and it was nice to see the home team win.

Stoughton High School led at the half.
It was good to see them hold on for the win.

Upon my return home, I was greeted by children who were wrapped up in their screens. They took a New York Second to acknowledge my return. Wife asked how the game went. I told her it was a good game, and I was glad to see our team win. I had been trying to get out and see a game all season. The most I could manage was one hockey game and one basketball game, and I don't think our school qualified for the tournament this year. Oh well. There's always spring and the baseball season.

One thing I've always enjoyed about going to see a game these days is not having to do it for work. Don't misunderstand me. I always liked going to the games, but then there was the rushing to keep up with the stats, making sure everything jibed with the actual score. Looking here, there, and everywhere instead of just watching and enjoying the game. And then, there was the waiting for the coaches to finish talking to the players so you could talk to them. And there was also the off chance of getting someone mad with a question you asked. After that, you talked to a player or two to get their reaction and thoughts on the game. And then, you had to write the story. It's a nice feeling to just be able to grab your jacket and head home. It never gets old.

Journey and Toto

There was more excitement that awaited me and Wife, as well as a couple of friends. One day, while hanging out at our house, our friend, Rob, was looking at his phone and saw that Journey was playing in nearby Providence, Rhode Island. He's a big Journey fan and asked if we would be interested in going to Providence to see them. We were interested, and we made plans to see Journey and Toto at the Amica Mutual Pavillion. We booked rooms at a nearby hotel. The Oppressed is friends with the daughter of Rob and his wife. While we were at the concert, The Oppressed and her friend stayed in the hotel room reading their books and playing games. Meanwhile, the four of us went to the show. Everyone had a great time, especially Rob, who enjoyed giving his review of the show when it was over.

I would love to share some photos of the show with you, but I spent the evening just digging the scene and getting into the show. There were some people around us who were taking pictures, and there were some people who were just playing on their phones. It was too bad. They were missing a great show.

After the Show

The night was still relatively young when the show ended. We noticed the Trinity Brewhouse wasn't far from our hotel. Rob and I decided to have a couple of beers and discuss the show. Rob was absolutely buzzing from concert, and we were both happy to try some of the local beers Providence had to offer.

After visiting Trinity, we needed a place for food. Unfortunately, there wasn't much in the way of sustenance. Luckily, we were able to find a place on Uber Eats that was able to deliver food to us at the lobby. We sat in the lobby and had our late-night snack. After a night of music, beers, and food, we went back to our rooms for some sleep. Morning came soon enough, and we packed our bags before heading downstairs for some breakfast. We had another busy day ahead that included getting home and picking up The Boy, who slept over a friend's house. I got him and asked about his night. It was good, and he did nothing.

The concert in Providence was a nice little throwback for me. When I was single, a lot of my free nights involved live music, some beers, and then something to much on before heading home. It was nice to be able to do that with Wife and a couple of friends. I would have told my son about it, but he was thinking about better things on the ride home,


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