Christmas Gift Giving

Over the years, my family and I have exchanged Christmas gifts. Some gifts, and some Christmases, have stood out when it comes to the gift-giving tradition. 

Christmas means a lot of different things to different people. Like a lot of people, I was excited when I was a child because Christmas meant I would wake up in the morning and there would be presents in the living room for me. All it cost me was a couple cookies, a glass of milk, and one measly carrot to be shared by eight reindeer. Not a bad deal.

Electronics make Great Christmas Gifts

I got my first Red Sox jacket for Christmas.
As I got older, I was able to go out on my own and pick presents out for others. It was a nice feeling for me to be able to give someone a gift that I myself bought and paid for. Giving was nice. I'm not going to lie. Receiving may not be as holy, but it gives you a nice feeling as well. My brother and I were excited when we got Nintendo for Christmas. My brother had to be stopped before he could hook it up to the big television set in the living room. Alas, it went in the den where the smaller television was.

Christmas Morning was also when I got my first CD player for Christmas. Many Christmases followed where I would get a CD from Santa or a member of my family. One year I got a TV. This was good for me because I could watch the Bruins in my room while the other TVs were being hogged by other members of my family.

He would be the envy of the neighborhood and I would be responsible for the best Christmas ever!

My Gift-Giving Inspirations

My brother and I checking
out something Santa left.
Wife has found some great gifts for me over the years, and I have found some absolutely fantastic gifts for Wife. I got a Flaviar membership for Christmas. This came in handy when it came to trying out new bourbons and scotches. I have also received a nice pocket watch and books on American History. On our first Christmas together, I found a giant Mickey Moue that was patiently waiting next to the tree for her. I found some mementos from our first trip to Plymouth, a spur-of-the-moment idea one night. And it's not just Wife. My father got tickets to see the Rolling Stones on one magical Christmas over twenty years ago. My brother was not impressed with the shirt I bought him when we were in high school. The swimsuit calendar that was patiently waiting for him underneath was a completely different story.

All it cost me was a couple cookies, a glass of milk, and one measly carrot to be shared by eight reindeer. Not a bad deal.

Excited to see what's inside all of that paper.

Unfortunately, there have been some times where I have struck out. When The Boy was in his fireman/policeman phase, I unsuccessfully sought out a genuine fireman's helmet. I went to the local firehouse and asked if it was possible to buy a used one. Wife didn't understand my thought process on this. I told her to pretend she was a four year old boy, and under the tree was a genuine, bona fide fireman's helmet. It was all yours. It wasn't some flimsy easily breakable "toy". It was the real McCoy. He would be the envy of the neighborhood and I would be responsible for the best Christmas ever!

Years ago, when The Oppressed liked to watch PJ Masks, I was able to find plush toys of all three main characters. She was surprised to see what Santa had left for her under the tree. There have always been something for the Miracles of Christ that makes them gasp with excitement when they find their Christmas loot.

Memorable Christmas Gifts from the Past

  1. Nintendo
  2. Super Nintendo
  3. Starting Lineup Talking Baseball
  4. Television
  5. Boombox
  6. Tecmo Super Bowl
  7. R.E.M. "Monster"
  8. Aerosmith "Live Bootleg"

What do I want for Christmas?

Me? What am I going to get for Christmas? What would I like for Christmas? Last year, The Oppressed gave me a gift certificate. It was good for one hug every day of the year. That meant there was one time each day this year I could get a hug and she couldn't say no to me. That was a great Christmas present. I have told The Boy I would like multiple gift certificates from him. One for watching a western together. One for a game of catch in the backyard. One for a trip to Wendy's or Burger King together. One for a car ride together where we listen to music. Things I would like to do, and if I have the gift certificate, he can't say "No" to me.

'Tis the season for giving, so contact me if you would like a free Amazon audiobook (while supplies last).


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