College Campus Safety

As much as we would like a break sometimes, a parent's job is never done. Some things get easier and some things get harder. It's nice for me to have toilet-trained children who don't need a clean diaper every few hours. Then again, that money we have saved by not needing diapers has gone toward our grocery shopping. Growing boys like Slugger like to eat.

Our children are in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. It is an Academic Exacta in our family where every level of education is being represented by one of the Miracles of Christ. The Boy, who is in elementary school, is giving us a chance to get reacquainted with teachers who had The Oppressed a few years ago. Having children in middle school and high school give us the chance to see friends in different environments and circumstances.

Kids in College

Lovie is in college and this is different for us. It's been years since Wife and I had anything to do with college. We remember what it was like to negotiate our way physically and mentally. College can be a lot of fun. Classes are most important, of course, but it's nice to see what else the school has to offer. I had a great time at my college's radio station where I found out about bands and their songs before the mainstream did and I was honored to have the chance to represent my class twice in the Student Government's Senate.

I'm always asking my daughter how school is and how the classes are going. I'm interested in knowing what is being taught and what her classes are talking about. Like I said, college was fun for me, but on a more serious note, Wife and I got some news from Lovie about someone who had exposed themselves on campus one day. Fortunately for us, our daughter wasn't near the person. Needless to say, it spooked her and we wanted to know who this nutcase was. It's an incident that has sparked a lot of conversation among people on campus. No doubt there has been a heightened sense of awareness as students make their way from class to class and while walking to the different administration buildings and parking lots on campus.

College life is hard enough without having someone on campus with a dying need to show how stupid they can be. Things like this can provide some interesting stories years later and maybe even some jokes in class or in the dorm the next day, but for a woman who is trying to make the next lecture or go home or to work, the last thing she needs to see is what a man has down there.

Talking about What Happened

Lovie and I got to talking about the incident and what it's like to walk around campus. She is walking around in daylight for most of the time. Sometimes she stays after class to hang out with friends. Fall is coming and the sun goes down earlier. Nighttime makes it easier for people to hide and lurk, waiting for some unsuspecting woman to walk by and surprise her with his package. I wish people like this would get kicked hard and fall over from the pain. This man hasn't been caught and it's unlikely he will be. I always have hope. Maybe someone will be able to overpower him and give him something that will make him think twice before he does it again. Hopefully a group of people will happen to walk by, humiliate him, and force him to to a walk of shame. If this person is identified and made known, a valuable lesson can be taught to everyone on campus who is thinking of showing off said stupidity.

There is always the chance that this is just an isolated incident and it won't happen again. The person wouldn't be caught and his identity would never be known, but at least women would no longer be spooked when minding their own business while getting to where they need to be.


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