Songs to Wake the Children in the Morning

 People don't really enjoy getting up in the morning, unless you're a kid on Christmas Morning. Alas, leaving your nice, comfortable bed is a necessary evil when it comes to living and functioning in the world.

I have to do it. I don't enjoy it, but I have to do it. I wake up with just enough time to sip some coffee before I make my way around the house to wake up cherubs for the bus. Sometimes they make it, sometimes they don't make it. You never know. Our morning is always full of surprises.

Lovie wakes up later (much later) than the rest of the cherubs. Like everyone else in the house, I knock on her door to check on her and make sure she is ready to begin the glorious day. In these heady days of smartphones, home devices, and other forms of smart technology, you would think one of my children would know enough to set an alarm so they can be up and at 'em in the morning. Actually, there is one person besides me who does that. The Boy dutifully sets his alarm in the morning so he can get ready to face his day. He's a good boy.

When it comes to Lovie, I sometimes get creative when it comes to waking her up. My methods always include music. As I have told you before, the children don't exactly appreciate my music, and the mornings where I tell Lovie to rise, shine, and give God his glory are another example of this. Wife tells me I can be dramatic from time to time, but I don't really pay attention to that because Wife doesn't exactly appreciate my efforts or creative pursuits. Anyway, here is the selection of music I choose in the morning to make sure my college-aged daughter is out of bed to face the day.

"It's a Beautiful Morning" by The Rascals

This is a nice, easygoing song with upbeat lyrics. It's not a hard, fast-paced song that I like to start my day with in order to get the blood pumping and juices flowing, but a laid back number with lines you can imagining yourself humming along with when you're starting your day. I like to play this song for Lovie to let her know it's a beautiful day, maybe not weather-wise, but it's a day that will be spent learning things and talking to friends about whatever may be on your mind.

"Good Morning, Starshine" by Oliver

"Good morning, Starshine. The Earth says, 'hello!'" I think
this is a great way to start the day, especially since my little cherub has been in slumber while the rest of the world has been getting on with their lives and responsibilities. This is my gentle reminder to this dear, dear angel that it's time to wake up and begin her day in the middle of the morning while everyone else has already been at work or at school. People (The Earth) say, "Hello." Wouldn't she like to greet these nice people and say, "Hello," back?
Wouldn't she like to greet these nice people and say, "Hello," back?

"Good Day Sunshine" by The Beatles

A fun song for me to play. First, it gives off a nice vibe. You're saying, "Good Day," to the sun. It's really the least you can do for all the light and warmth it gives you during the day. Second, who doesn't love the Beatles?
I like to serenade the child with this little ditty. I feel the opening harmony is just what she needs to wake up, get out of bed, and drag a comb across her head. It's something that puts a smile on your face.
Fun Fact: This song was supposedly inspired by The Lovin' Spoonful's "Daydream".

Good Songs. Wouldn't you agree?

They're good songs, plus I think it's a nice creative way to wake my child up. Of course, she could always get herself up sometime, but until then, it gives me a chance to impart some nice music upon the ears of another of my children. This child opens an eye to as I enter her room. As soon as she hears the happy music playing, she throws the covers over her entire self and informs me she isn't yet ready to face the day. Again, my 8-year-old does a better job than her at getting out of bed in the morning.


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