More Time on the Road with Kids

There was a lot of travelling for me one week. I needed to take the Gaggle here, there, and back there again. I didn't mind doing it. It allowed me to do some sightseeing around town and get some quality time with them.

Our travels for the first part of the week took us to Fall River, where the Gaggle would be spending the day. I stayed down there, thinking it would make more sense than to drive, drive back up, and then drive back down to Fall River to pick them up and then go back home again. Plus, it would give me a chance to walk around and see what the area had to offer.

New Bedford

I chose to spend my first day in neighboring New Bedford. I took The Boy and The Oppressed to the Whaling Museum a long time ago, and I thought it would be fun to check it out again. It was. It wasn't the same walking around the museum without the younger children. I walked around and looked at the art that hung on the walls. In the middle of my art appreciation, I heard a school class come into the museum. Excited children were constantly being shushed by their teachers, and I realized just how different it was to be able to meander through the museum without children in tow.

My environment while reading.
Paintings on the wall. A giant skeleton of a whale hanging over me. A large ship in the middle of the museum. The Whaling Museum certainly had a lot for me to admire and appreciate. There were also exhibits featuring whales and how the town has adapted to changes over the years. People used to depend on whale oil to light up their homes, not so much nowadays.


It was time for lunch after a few hours of touring the museum. I left and looked for a place to grab a sandwich. I was a little uneasy about what I would select for lunch. Earlier I went to a store and selected an Italian sub. It had mayonnaise in it. I demanded to know what sick individual felt the need to put mayonnaise on an Italian sub.

This particular store had ham and cheese on a sub roll. Lettuce, tomato, delicious. I also had chips, an iced tea, and a cookie because I'm worth it. I proceeded to pick up The Gaggle after my lunch. We spent the ride home talking about our day and the things we accomplished.

Fall River

We were back at it the very next day. Back in Fall River for another fun-filled, exciting day. It's been nice for me to have a day off and see what's there. It would have been nice if The Gaggle needed to go to Plymouth, or maybe Newburyport or Salem, but this has been fun just the same.

A Better Lunch

I didn't have anything too exciting planned for this second day. I spent the day at the public library reading. I read in the morning and ventured into town for a place for lunch. Wife suggested a nice place for lunch since I was in a town that was thick with Portuguese culture. I took her advice and found a Portuguese restaurant. I tried a couple of traditional drinks (non-alcoholic), had a soup, and then some chicken with fries. It was a generous portion, and I took some home for Wife to try. It was her idea and Wife likes food from different parts of the world.

A little more reading and then it was time to pick up the Gaggle. I told them about my time around town and my lunch. They told me about their day and everything they accomplished. We were proud of each other.

Easthampton RMV

My lunch after a strenuous day of reading
Another day required me to drive to the fair town of Easthampton. The Gaggle needed to get an ID. Just like my time with Lovie, we needed to find an RMV that would get us in soon and, just like my time with Lovie, the RMV that had that appointment was hours away.

It was a nice drive for me, and The Gaggle didn't seem to mind the ride either. We arrived at the RMV with our proper paperwork and walked out with a confirmation telling us The Gaggle's ID would be in the mail soon. We celebrated with lunch at a local establishment. After lunch, we were back in the car on our way to school to pick up The Boy.

Follow me on Twitter @Greg_the_Brave.


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