
Schools, Sports, and Trying to Hold it Together

S eptember is in its waning days. October is not far. The children are in school and at work and the entire family is back in the routine of buses and books. Our miserable little darlings have even dusted off the tried and true complaints and grievances, complete with the reasons why school is a waste of time and totally unnecessary. Work, Work, Work Our family is not only dealing with school, but also with two children going to work. One on them, God bless her, is working retail. I've been there and done that. It's fun to trade stories when I pick her up after her shift. Slugger is working at an ice cream shop. This drive is a little longer and gives us time to discuss the night at work and whatever else is happening in his life. He seems to like it so far. Like all jobs that deal with customer service, some days are better than others. The Oppressed and the boy aren't working yet. The Oppressed has taken an interest in babysitting. The Boy? Well, unless there's a good...

College Campus Safety

As much as we would like a break sometimes, a parent's job is never done. Some things get easier and some things get harder. It's nice for me to have toilet-trained children who don't need a clean diaper every few hours. Then again, that money we have saved by not needing diapers has gone toward our grocery shopping. Growing boys like Slugger like to eat. Our children are in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. It is an Academic Exacta in our family where every level of education is being represented by one of the Miracles of Christ. The Boy, who is in elementary school, is giving us a chance to get reacquainted with teachers who had The Oppressed a few years ago. Having children in middle school and high school give us the chance to see friends in different environments and circumstances. Kids in College Lovie is in college and this is different for us. It's been years since Wife and I had anything to do with college. We remember what it was like...