"Homeopathy Primer" by Abby Beale

People get sick. Children, daddies, mommies. It doesn't matter who you are or where you are, illnesses tend to find you. If you're lucky, it's something you can handle while you're going about your business and just sip some tea or pop a lozenge. Sometimes it's worse than that and you need some rest. Either way, getting sick is an unfortunate but inevitable fact of life. Illness has made its presence felt in my home as Wife and children have been hit with a malady. People have been up at all hours of the night needing medicine or tissues to see themselves through the latest round of sickness and discomfort here. Happening on Christmas put a dent in our plans. We were going to visit family and stay overnight, but the condition of some of our children plus not wanting to infect other guests who were vulnerable and susceptible to germs made us rethink those plans. One of our patients. New Plans for the Day After exchanging presents on Christmas morning, healthy members...