Ending our Run as Foster Parents

Wife and I have decided to end our run as foster parents after a run of over five years. It's been an interesting run to say the least. From our first day of training in Brockton, MA to the day the last child left our home, the entire family has had its share of challenges. Everyone, including our own children, have faced those challenges head-on. Our experience in opening our home to those in need is one that won't be forgotten. Foster Parent Training Our journey started in a room with other potential foster parents. We went through a training process that explained what it meant to be a foster parent and what we could expect while these children were with us. Wife and I learned plenty, and we also found ourselves explaining some key points to our own children. For instance, The Oppressed thought it would be great if we had girls coming to our house. She was happy and willing to share her room with any girls that needed a place to stay. The Boy wanted boys to stay, but not j...