
"Savvy Sam's Search for Self" by Jamie Barrett

Peer pressure is something we all know about. We, as mommies and daddies, dealt with it when we were kids in school. Sometimes, unfortunately, we have to deal with it as grown-ups. People may not realize it, but sometimes they can be the ones using peer pressure on others. Children are taught to deal with peer pressure in school. When I was in elementary school, peer pressure was usually associated with underage drinking or smoking. It can go a lot farther than that, though. When kids are growing up, they try to make friends. That can be easier for some than for others. Children who have a hard time making friends might think there is something wrong with them. Maybe it's the way they look. The way they dress. They might feel like they're not good enough to make friends, and more people might like them if they changed. Sometimes change can be a good thing. If someone tries to be a better person, that is change and it's a good thing because they are trying to be a better fri...

"Ahab's Parables" by Alexander Arbour

"Ahab's Parables" Growing up, we learn about navigating our way through life. There are some times when we have help along the way, and there are some times when we must brave it on our own. There are lessons to be learned as we grow up. These lessons may not be easy ones, but they make life easier as we get older. Learning can take place in different ways and in different places. The most obvious place where children learn is in school. Here, they learn academic skills. Children learn to read, write, math skills. As they progress, they learn geography and foreign languages. They're also going to learn social skills. These skills will be learned in the schoolyard at recess or in the classroom during different scenarios. The Advantages of Reading Reading let's you spend time together. Reading to your child helps them learn to read. Reading can teach lessons that can be applied to everyday life. Children read in school. Some will love it, and some will find it to be...