
Celebrate Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving. It's the day we remember what we're thankful for. It's the day we gather together with friends and family for a feast that will stand out as one of the biggest meals of the year. Thanksgiving is the one day we know we're going to eat too much but don't regret it. This is a day for football, food, family, maybe a little tryptophan-induced nap. Many people celebrate Thanksgiving in many different ways. Different Thanksgiving Tradtitions Traditions have come and gone in my lifetime. There have been things my family has done together, and there are things I have done on my own. As times changed, I found myself with different obligations on some years and other years left me with no obligations. Whatever the year called for, I didn't mind it as long as there was a turkey drumstick and some pie. Parades and Football My earliest memories of Turkey Day are of living in East Lynn . Thanksgiving morning was fun for my family because the marching bands would ...

"Somewhere Along the Line" by Mallory Thomas

Daddies and Mommies do all kinds of things to make ends meet, and some have an easier time of doing it than others. In order to make those ends meet, people work. Sometimes you drive or walk to work. Sometimes you take public transportation. All means of getting to work have their advantages and disadvantages. Taking public transportation means saving on gas and parking. It can also mean not fighting traffic jams. If you're lucky, you can find a "train friend" who can help you pass the time on your commute. Sometimes that "train friend" could be a connection that goes beyond a train ride. I know people who started as "train friends" and ended up married! Riding the Subway If you can't find a "train friend", there are other ways to pass the time. When I was in college, a train ride meant a chance to catch up on some reading for a class. You could also work on a crossword puzzle or just listen to some music. Put some buds in your phones an...