My Family and our Summer Road Trip

School is over and we needed a vacation. We travel as often as we can. Wife and I love to do it, but children tend to make it a little more challenging. School tends to do that. Vacation time is limited to certain times of the year. Planning our trip at the end of the school year seemed like the perfect time to do it. The Oppressed and The Boy would be going to camp soon. Lovie has work. Traveling in June would allow us to hit the road and celebrate the academic accomplishments and spend some time together as a family, much to the delight of our teenage cherubs. As usual, nothing here really happens as planned. Wife and I were hoping to be out the door and on the road by 5 a.m. It was more like 7:00 when we finally got going. Wife and I got coffee for us and some breakfast for the children. Soon, we were on Interstate 90 heading west. We were on the road for a while. Massachusetts isn't the biggest state in the Union, but the kids didn't realize how big it was going from east...